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How Do You Pursue

A Career in Research Design?

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A woman laughing with a baby at a table.

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Aspiring professionals must make the proper academic preparations, develop relevant skills, engage in applied experience and devote themselves to continual learning to launch a successful career in research design.

A group of people sitting in a lecture hall with laptops.
Academic Preparation

Pursuing a master’s degree is essential for a career in research design. Vanderbilt Peabody’s graduate degrees in Cognitive Psychology in Context, Child Studies, Education Policy, and Quantitative Methods prepare graduates to work in diverse and impactful fields in research design and data analysis. 

A woman and her daughter are working on a wooden abacus.
Skill Development

Research design requires specific skills. Aptitude in statistical analysis, strong data interpretation abilities and proficiency in research methodologies are all essential. Additionally, having a keen eye for detail and exceptional communication skills is helpful.

Three business people looking at a graph on a laptop.
Applied Experience

In addition to a graduate degree, gaining applied knowledge in your field of interest is invaluable. This expertise could mean participating in research projects, obtaining internships or working in a relevant industry. Along with what you’ll learn in your graduate studies, practical experience equips you with a robust understanding of the realities accompanying the theories you study. 

A woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and notebook.
Continual Learning

Research design and data analysis are constantly evolving fields. Both must adapt to address societal challenges. Therefore, staying committed to learning and growing your perspective is vital, including staying updated with the latest developments in your area of interest and consistently refining your skills. 

A career in research design and data analysis is as rewarding as it is invigorating. As you continue in your journey of making a difference where it matters most in education and society, leverage the unique resources of established and celebrated institutions like Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College.